Marky - Nothing Is 43ver : Review

Washington D.C. is a epicentre of "what's revolutionnary" right now. Yes, I am talking about President Barack Obama... and Yes, I am talking about Marky ! That's a very audacious parallel, isn't it ? But that's the kind of earth quake, I felt when I put my headphones on for Marky's Nothing is 43ver.

Marky, himself, breaks it down very well : DC has no particular musical influence. So he cooks up something new for the listener and paves the way to his own destiny : what he introduces as "The Sweet Taste Of Victory".

I don't want my words to mess up with your own imagination on this CD because sometimes I get barely objective when it comes to something I like. So I'm gonna stop talking and I'll let you make up your own mind about it. It's on free download right here ->